From Me to We: Building a Culture of Growth and Shared Leadership

by Preeti Prayag 3 minutes read

The confetti has settled, the resolutions are scrawled in hopeful ink, and a brand new year stretches before us like an unpainted canvas. For many, this blank slate whispers promises of self-improvement, a chance to shed old skins and step into brighter versions of ourselves. But for leaders, the call to evolve extends beyond personal aspirations. It's a responsibility woven into the very fabric of their roles, a commitment to becoming not just better individuals, but better guides for the teams they shepherd.

Mentoring Matters - The confetti has settled Think of it like this: imagine your leadership as a towering lighthouse, its beacon guiding your team through choppy waters and uncharted landscapes. In this metaphor, the new year isn't just a fresh coat of paint for the lighthouse; it's a chance to upgrade the entire mechanism, to install brighter lights, sturdier foundations, and even a weatherproof communication system. It's about ensuring your leadership equips your team to not just survive the storms, but thrive in the sunshine too.

So, how do we, as leaders, embark on this evolutionary journey? How do we chart a course for self-improvement that translates into better leadership practices and ultimately, a more inspired and successful team? Let's break it down into a roadmap, a blueprint for your own leadership transformation:

Step 1: Self-Reflection – The Introspective Voyage

Before we set sail, we need to know where we stand. Take some quiet time for introspection. Ask yourself:

• What are my leadership strengths? Where do I shine?

• What are my blind spots? Where could I use some improvement?

• What are the biggest challenges I face as a leader?

• What are the aspirations I hold for my team and myself in the coming year?

Embarking on this journey demands honesty and courage. Reflect on your past year as a leader. As a leader who has navigated these waters, I recall the importance of acknowledging both strengths and weaknesses. This self-awareness is your compass, guiding your path to improvement.

Step 2: Goal Setting – Charting Your Course

Armed with self-knowledge, it's time to set your sails. Establish SMART goals that are not just aspirational but actionable. For instance, aim to enhance team engagement through monthly feedback sessions or develop new strategies to boost team productivity. Remember, the best goals are those that not only challenge you but also contribute to the growth of your team.

Step 3: Continuous Learning – Fuelling the Engine

Growth is a lifelong journey, and for leaders, it's a professional imperative. Devour leadership books, attend workshops, seek out mentors – invest in your own knowledge and skillset. Your growth is the wind in your sails, propelling you forward, enabling you to navigate even the most turbulent waters with confidence.

Step 4: Embrace Feedback – Weathering the Storm

Mentoring Matters - Embrace Feedback Feedback, especially critical feedback, can feel like a gale against your sails. But remember, constructive criticism is the wind that propels you forward. Actively seek feedback from your team, your peers, and even your mentors. Listen with an open mind, and use their insights to adjust your course, making your leadership more effective and impactful.

Step 5: Lead with Empathy – The Human Anchor

Leadership isn't just about barking orders from the helm. It's about understanding your crew, recognizing their individual strengths and vulnerabilities. Practice empathy, foster open communication, and create a space where everyone feels valued and heard. Recognize the unique strengths and challenges of each team member. A leader who listens and understands is like a lighthouse offering safe passage through rough seas.

Step 6: Celebrate Milestones – Raising the Jolly Roger

Change takes time and effort. Acknowledge and celebrate your victories, big and small. A pat on the back, a team outing, or even a simple "thank you" can go a long way in keeping your motivation high and your crew's spirits buoyant.

Mentoring Matters - Embrace Feedback Leading with purpose and evolving as a leader isn't just a New Year's resolution; it's a commitment to excellence, a promise to your team and to yourself. So, embark on this journey with courage, embrace the challenges, and remember, the most inspiring leaders are those who are constantly on the move, always striving to become better versions of themselves, forever charting a course towards a brighter horizon.

Remember, your leadership evolution is a continuous process, not a one-time destination. As the year unfolds, be prepared to adapt your course, embrace new learnings, and keep your lighthouse beacon burning bright. And who knows, in the process of guiding your team, you might just discover a whole new, and even better, version of yourself along the way.

Mentoring Matters


Preeti Prayag is the co-founder of Mentoring Matters, a platform for businesses and individuals across industries to drive holistic professional growth across mid and senior-level positions through dedicated coaching by certified professionals.


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